Hi there š
Hi there š
Hi, Iām Govind Bhat
Iām a data scientist and machine learning enthusiast, passionate about using data and algorithms to solve real-world problems. Im currently in the ptocess of learning Fullstack develoopment so that i can work on my own apps.
- Data Science with Python: pandas, sci-kit learn, numpy, matplotlib. š
- Machine Learning: supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, feature engineering. š¤
- Artificial Intelligence: just starting to learn AI concepts, Packages and techniques. š§
- Dubai Apartment Sales-price predictions: I used python and Machine learning concepts to predict appartment prices.
- Crypto price prediction: Using 5Years of Crypto-currency market data from Yahoo finance and running several analysis to identify trends and relationships.
- NASA vs SpaceX Tweets NLP:
- Master of science: Business Analytics
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